Category: News
July 14, 2021- Board Meeting
At the July meeting of the OMWD Board of Directors, I supported the award of construction contracts for the rehabilitation and replacement of old potable water lines on Manchester Avenue. The replacements are essential to maintain system reliability. The contracts are put out for public bid, and the lowest responsive and responsible bidder was selected after Board review. The Board also received staff presentations on drought preparedness, and we reviewed District expenditures, among many other items on the agenda this month.
You can review past and present Board and committee meeting agendas and background materials online at
Read More...Posted on 14 Jul 2021, 10:12 - Category: News
June 11, 2021- Board Reduces Budget and OMWD's AAA Bond Rating is Reaffirmed.
At the District’s Board meeting tonight, I voted with the entire Board of Directors to approve a 2.67 percent budget reduction. District staff also announced that the Fitch rating company had reaffirmed the District's AAA Bond rating, the highest possible rating assigned by Fitch. This is all good news for the ratepayers, and we must remain vigilant in keeping our costs down.
Read More...Posted on 11 Jun 2021, 10:02 - Category: News
June 6, 2021-Denk "Mountain" and the OMWD Reservoir behind Von's and Michaels.
Posted on 06 Jun 2021, 10:02 - Category: News
May 19, 2021-Neal Meyers Appointed to OMWD Board of Directors
On May 19, 2021, I was privileged to be sworn in as Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s newest Director. I represent the customer's Division 5, generally located in the La Costa area of south Carlsbad. My job is to ensure that OMWD continues to provide you with safe, high-quality, and reliable water without wasteful spending or unnecessary rate increases.
“We are excited to welcome an individual of Neal’s caliber to the Board of Directors,” stated OMWD Board President Larry Watt. “His experience with special district law and operations, as well as his expertise with risk management, will allow him to hit the ground running and continue OMWD’s tradition of responsive and transparent governance.”
Here is a link to the OMWD announcement of my appointment:
Posted on 20 May 2021, 10:58 - Category: News
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