Category: News
March 15, 2022 - Board Meeting
At the OMWD’s March Board of Directors meeting, at my initial request, the Board held a workshop to review and discuss OMWD employee pension liability and a pension funding plan. We learned from consultant Julio Morales that OMWD’s present pension liability exposure is average at best compared with established standards, and we need to carefully manage our exposure and establish specific planning policies and targets. The Board directed Mr. Morales and staff to return to the Board with specific policy recommendations for Board consideration. The Board also received a District easement assessment report and reviewed the status of COVID policies.
You can review past and present Board and committee meeting agendas and background materials online at
Read More...Posted on 17 Mar 2022, 16:55 - Category: News
March 16, 2022- OMWD Safety Lunch
Read More...Posted on 16 Mar 2022, 11:01 - Category: News
March 16, 2022- OMWD Water Conservation Programs
Read More...Posted on 16 Mar 2022, 01:45 - Category: News
February 16, 2022 - Board Meeting
The February 16, 2022, Board meeting featured the Board’s adoption of its annual objectives ranging from initiating new high technology leak detection programs to strategies to minimize operational costs. One specific objective I requested and adopted was studying the District’s unfunded employee pension liabilities and setting specific policies to manage those costs. OMWD is partnered with nine other agencies forming North San Diego Water Reuse Coalition partners in other matters. This successful partnership has resulted in water reuse projects saving millions of gallons of potable water in our community. OMWD staff reported that the Coalition had recently been awarded a $6.1 million grant for North County water reuse projects and that additional grant applications are being submitted. We heard a staff presentation on the Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve and its continued success. The reserve averages almost 120,000 visitors per year. The board also approved a rate adjustment required by increased wholesale water rates. We must continue to press our wholesalers to keep their expenses under control and their rates down, so we don't have to pass them along to you. Finally, the Board held its final public hearing to adjust its Division boundary maps consistent with the 2020 census, and it adopted the new division boundary maps.
You can review past and present Board and committee meeting agendas and background materials online at
Read More...Posted on 17 Feb 2022, 16:10 - Category: News
January 22, 2022- Olivenhain Reservoir
Read More...Posted on 22 Jan 2022, 12:16 - Category: News
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