Category: News
May 10, 2022 - San Dieguito Water District Centennial Celebration

with SDWD Board President Joe Mosca.
I was privileged to attend the commemoration of San Dieguito Water District’s 100th anniversary on May 10, 2022. OMWD and SDWD have a long history of cooperation and partnership in serving Encinitas and surrounding communities.
Read More...Posted on 10 May 2022, 19:17 - Category: News
May 3-5, 2022 -Association of California Water Agencies Conference
In May 2022, I represented OMWD at the three-day Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) conference in Sacramento. The conference brings together California water agencies, state policymakers, and others in the water industry. The conference is essential in the era of drought and environmental and water quality challenges. I attended programs on groundwater, water quality (including microplastics), new regulations, water law, operational responses to ongoing drought conditions, and water system consolidation rules and regulations. I will use this invaluable information to ensure that OMWD continues to provide its customers with safe, high-quality, and reliable water without wasteful spending or unnecessary rate increases.
Read More...Posted on 07 May 2022, 09:36 - Category: News
April 24, 2022 - Angel's Landing- Zion National Park
Posted on 26 Apr 2022, 14:59 - Category: News
April 21, 2022- Monitor Your Daily Water Use- AquaHawk!
OMWD is almost ready to officially roll out its AquaHawk ™ web portal, where customers can monitor their water use daily and receive threshold and use alerts through text messages. Statistics show that most customers who gain access to data about their water usage reduce their usage by about 15 percent. Please view the video above for more information, and here is a link to OMWD’s “My Water Use” website: Acess the OMWD AquaHawk login page here:
For more information, contact OMWD customer service at 760-753-6466.
Important Note: AquaHawk is now available to most OMWD customers, but a few areas still require upgrades.
Posted on 21 Apr 2022, 10:29 - Category: News
April 20, 2022 - Board Meeting
As a concern I first brought to the Board, the April 2022 meeting included additional consultant/staff presentations and recommendations on OMWD employee pension liabilities, first discussed at the March 2022 Board meeting. After a further presentation by consultant Mario Morales, the Board directed staff to prepare a draft policy setting a funding target that shall not be below 85%, based on the most current CalPERS’ Annual Valuation Report and a funding goal of 100%. Doing so will require significant yearly contributions to CalPERS, but in the long-term, it will save OMWD ratepayers millions of dollars over time and keep the budget stable. Staff will bring a draft of the District’s Pension Funding Policy to the Finance Committee and the Board in May or June.
The Board also reviewed the staff request to add one additional operations employee to OMWD’s employee count. Staff described additional operational burdens at the water treatment plant, and it recommended adding one additional water treatment plant operator. After many Board questions about the necessity of increasing employee count and alternatives, the Board accepted the staff's recommendation in order to maintain treatment plant infrastructure, equipment, and regulatory requirements and address increased maintenance needs.
Finally, the Board reviewed a staff recommendation to hire an engineering consultant after Requests for Proposals were issued. Board members, including myself, expressed concern that staff recommended a consultant providing a higher bid. The board asked staff to return to the next meeting with additional information justifying its recommendation.
You can review past and present Board and committee meeting agendas and background materials online at
Read More...Posted on 21 Apr 2022, 08:22 - Category: News
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